Thompson Tales

Families are Forever.

Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Meet the Family

 #1 is now 14 1/2.  He is busy with high school and Seminary.  He enjoys playing guitar and piano as well as basketball.

 #2 is in 7th grade.  She likes to do arts and crafts and is learning to sew.  She plays the flute in the Middle school band.

#3 is the Funny Man around here.  He is in 4th grade.  He loves video games.

#4 is in 2nd grade now.  She likes to jump on the trampoline and ride her bike all over the neighborhood.
#5  is 2 years old now.  She is serious and intelligent.  She loves babies and animals. 

#6 is 4 1/2 months old.  He has such a sweet temperment and we are glad he's joined our family.

Me and my man!

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