Thompson Tales

Families are Forever.

Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, March 24, 2013

3-Month Challenge

Our ward issued this today.  I thought other people might enjoy participating, too.
Three Month Challenge

Please hold a family council this week and through discussion and prayer, choose an activity (or more than one) that you would like to work on for the next three months. Your goal should be realistic but should require you to step outside of your current comfort zone.  Our Ultimate goal is to create righteous habits. From the following list of activities, select one or more that you would like to work on during the next three months of 2013. Some are meant to be accomplished by families, but more can be done as individuals also. Please concentrate on just one, two or three key goals. If you don't find
the goal you desire, please see number 31 and make up your own. Please adapt this to your own
family's situation. Our goal is to create righteous habits.

1)     As a family or individually, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and 3rd Nephi. If you read 2
pages per day you will be right on target.

2)     Read the Book of Mormon Daily for ½ hour.  If you read 6 pages per day you can finish in 3 months.

3)     Write one letter per week to a relative or missionary that needs encouragement.

4)      Outline and write a brief or detailed history of your family. Make a video with each
member of the family speaking as you share favorite memories of the past year, such as
favorite foods, vacation, friends, teachers, books, accomplishments, spiritual experiences,

3)      Start a family journal or scrapbook, with weekly entries summarizing important events,
accomplishments, etc. Use Family Home Evening as a
-time to add to the journal on a
regular basis.

4)      Study the scriptures each day for three months.

6)      Read and discuss the "Proclamation to the World on the Family." Consider the daunting
challenge of memorizing it.
                                             Proclamation on the Family

7)     Assign each family member a "secret pal"(within the family) and do an act of service each
day or week for that person.

8)     Select another family that you would like to serve during each of the next 3 months. As a
family, decide on one thing to do for them each week (Invite them to your home for dinner,
mow their lawn, write a special letter of appreciation, etc.)

9)     Hold Family Home Evening every week.

10) Have at least one meal together as a family each day for three months.

11) Have Family Prayer every day.

12) Have personal prayer every day.

13) Take a family Temple trip to do baptisms or other Temple ordinances.  Treat the family to dinner after.

14) Go to bed at___PM at least ___ days per week.

15) Take a non-LDS friend or family to the Orlando Temple Grounds.

16) Prepare a "care package" for one or more missionaries, or create a fun family newsletter or
original card to send to each of the missionaries from our ward.

17) Skip television for a month and use the time to do some of the activities suggested.

18) Do a “wordly media fast” for one, two, or three months. Replace worldly media i.e. T.V., Facebook, Radio, etc. with uplifting media i.e. general conference, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, church videos, etc.

19) Review each talk of the April 2013 General Conference.  Keep a journal of things the spirit teaches you.  Make a list of things the spirit prompts you to start doing or stop doing.
20) Forgive a family member (including ward family) who has offended you.

21) Give extra-mile service to a home teaching or visiting teaching family.

22) Invite the full-time or ward missionaries to your home for refreshments and then discuss
how you ca
n be better member missionaries.

23) As a family, make special preparations for each of the three Fast Days. Discuss the
purpose of fasting and decide what specific purpose your family will fast for. Fast for 24
hours, contribute a generous fast offering, and encourage testimony bearing in fast and
testimony meeting

24) Select a needy family to serve anonymously. Invite each member of the family to sacrifice
time, earnings, etc. in order to help others.

25) As a family project, design a family flag, crest or shield, select a family motto or slogan,
and family mission statement, or adopt a scripture that best represents your family
tives or values.

26) Develop a talent i.e. write a poem or book or song, learn a musical instrument, learn a new language etc.

27) Plant a garden.

28) Exercise 3, 4, 5, or 6 times per week for 3 months.

29) Read an uplifting book.

30) For Teenagers Only:

__ Say "I love you" with a hug to your mom or other family member every day
        for 3 months
. (Be prepared for the best month of your life)

__ Keep your bedroom clean for 3 months.

__ Do one little act of service for someone in your family every day for 3 months.

__ Plan a special activity for a younger brother or sister.

__ Do your homework every day for 3 months without having to be reminded.
__ When you lose your temper with a family member, apologize and ask forgiveness.

31)Come up with your own challenge:


We accept this family challenge (signatures)


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